
籍  贯: 辽宁省铁岭市

职  称: 助理研究员

去  向: 大连鑫玉龙海洋生物种业科技股份有限公司

研究方向: 微生物发酵工程

电子信箱: hongweish666@126.com


  1997-2001    吉林农业大学   学士学位
  2001-2005    长春大成集团
  2005-2008    大连工业大学  发酵工程  工学硕士学位
  2009-2014    大连理工大学  生物化工  工学博士学位
  2008-2018    大连化物所生物技术部1816组


  1. 车用生物燃料技术国家重点实验室开放课题(KFKT2014009),木质纤维素制备生物柴油新型原料油脂发酵过程研究,2015.09-2017.08,5万元,在研,主持

  2. 国家科技支撑项目(2014BAD02B02),栎类淀粉与秸秆生物质炼制生物柴油及其综合利用产业化示范,2014.01-2016.12,768万元,在研,子课题负责人(70万)

  3. 大连化学物理研究所青年基金(S201027),二级发酵生产微生物油脂的研究,8万元,2010.03-2011.12,结题,主持


  1. Dai XZ, Shen HW, Li Q, Rasool K, Wang Q, Yu X, Wang L, Bao J, Yu DY*, Zhao ZK* “Microbial lipid production from corn stover by the oleaginous yeast Rhodosporidium toruloides using the PreSSLP process” Energies 2019, 12, 1053.

  2. Li X, Xu QQ, Shen HW, Guo YL, Wu MY, Peng Y, Zhang LH, Zhao ZK, Liu Y, Xie HB*. “Capturing CO2 to reversible ionic liquids for dissolution pretreatment of cellulose towards enhanced enzymatic hydrolysis” Carbohydr. Poly2019, 204, 50–58.

  3. Wang YN, Zhang SF*, Zhu ZW, Shen HW, Lin XP, Jin X, Jiao X, Zhao ZK*. “Systems analysis of phosphate-limitation induced lipid accumulation by the oleaginous yeast Rhodosporidium toruloides” Biotechnol. Biofuels 201811, 148.

  4. Yang XB*, Sun WY, Shen HW, Zhang SF, Jiao X, Zhao ZK. “Expression of phosphotransacetylase in Rhodosporidium toruloides leading to improved cell growth and lipid production” RSC Adv20188(43), 24673–24678.

  5. Shen HW*, Zhang XB, Gong ZW, Wang YN, Yu X, Yang XB, Zhao ZK. “Compositional profiles of Rhodosporidium toruloides cells under nutrient limitation” Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 2017101(9), 3801–3809.

  6. Gong ZW*, Zhou WT, Shen HW, Yang ZH, Wang GH, Zuo ZY, Hou YL, Zhao ZK. “Co-fermentation of acetate and sugars facilitating microbial lipid production on acetate-rich biomass hydrolysates” Bioresour. Technol2016207, 102–108.

  7. Zhang XB, Shen HW*, Yang XB, Wang Q, Yu X, Zhao ZK*. “Microbial lipid production by oleaginous yeasts on Laminaria residue hydrolysates” RSC Adv20166(32), 26752–26756.

  8. 沈宏伟,杨晓兵,龚志伟,靳国杰,赵宗保*. “基于消耗碳氮比进行底物分配和油脂得率预测” 化工学报 201667(1), 324–330.

  9. Gong ZW*, Zhou WT, Shen HW, Zhao ZK, Yang ZH, Yang JB, Zhao M. “Co-utilization of corn stover hydrolysates and biodiesel-derived glycerol by Cryptococcus curvatus for lipid production” Bioresour. Technol2016219, 552–558.

  10. 沈宏伟,杨晓兵,龚志伟,靳国杰,赵宗保*. “基于消耗碳氮比进行底物分配和油脂得率预测” 化工学报 201667(1), 324–330.

  11. 王雅南,沈宏伟,杨晓兵*,赵宗保. “不同营养元素限制对圆红冬胞酵母油脂生产的影响” 中国生物工程杂志 2016, 36(11), 16–22.

  12. Yang XB, Jin GJ, Wang YD, Shen HW, Zhao ZK*. “Lipid production on free fatty acids by oleaginous yeasts under non-growth conditions” Bioresour. Technol. 2015193, 557–562.

  13. Wang YD, Gong ZW, Yang XB, Shen HW, Wang Q, Wang JH*, Zhao ZK*. “Microbial lipid production from pectin-derived carbohydrates by oleaginous yeasts” Process Biochem201550(7), 1097–1102.

  14. Zhu ZW, Ding YF, Gong ZW, Yang L, Zhang SF, Zhang CY, Lin XP, Shen HW, Zou HF, Xie ZS, Yang FQ, Zhao XD, Liu PS*, Zhao ZK*. “Dynamics of the lipid droplet proteome of the oleaginous yeast Rhodosporidium toruloides” Eukaryot. Cell 201514, 252–264.

  15. 宋叶华,沈宏伟,杨薇,杨晓兵,龚志伟,赵宗保*. “酿酒酵母工程菌高密度培养生产香紫苏醇” 生物工程学报 201531(1), 147–151.

  16. Yang XB, Jin GJ, Gong ZW, Shen HW, Bai FW, Zhao ZK*. “Recycling microbial lipid production wastes to cultivate oleaginous yeasts” Bioresour. Technol2015175, 91–96.

  17. Yu X, Tian J, Xie HB*, Shen HW, Wang Q. “The integrated production of microbial lipids and bio-SiO2 from rice husks by an organic electrolytes pretreatment technology”Bioresource Technology2014153, 403–407.

  18. Yang XB, Jin GJ, Gong ZW, Shen HW, Song YH, Bai FW, Zhao ZK*. “Simultaneous utilization of glucose and mannose from spent yeast cell mass for lipid production by Lipomyces starkeyi” Bioresour Technol2014158, 383–387.

  19. Yang XB, Jin GJ, Gong ZW, Shen HW, Bai FW*, Zhao ZK*. “Recycling biodiesel-derived glycerol by the oleaginous yeast Rhodosporidium toruloides Y4 through the two-stage lipid production process” Biochem. Eng. J. 201491(1), 86–91.

  20. Gong ZW, Shen HW, Yang XB, Wang Q, Xie HB, Zhao ZK*. “Lipid production from corn stover by the oleaginous yeast Cryptococcus curvatus” Biotechnol. Biofuels 20147, 158.

  21. Shen HW, Gong ZW, Yang XB, Jin GJ, Bai FW*, Zhao ZK*. “Kinetics of continuous cultivation of the oleaginous yeast Rhodosporidium toruloides J. Biotechnol2013168(1), 85–89.

  22. Jin GJ, Zhang YX, Shen HW, Yang XB, Xie HB, Zhao ZK*. “Fatty acid ethyl esters production in aqueous phase by the oleaginous yeast Rhodosporidium toruloides” Bioresour. Technol2013150, 266–270.

  23. Huang QT, Wang Q, Gong ZW, Jin GJ, Shen HW, Xiao S, Xie HB, Ye SH, Wang JH*, Zhao ZK*. “Effects of selected ionic liquids on lipid production by the oleaginous yeast Rhodosporidium toruloides” Bioresour. Technol2013130(1), 339–344.

  24. Gong ZW, Shen HW, Wang Q, Yang XB, Zhao ZK*. “Efficient conversion of biomass into lipids by using the simultaneous saccharification and enhanced lipid production process” Biotechnol. Biofuels 20136, 36.

  25. Zhu ZW, Zhang SF, Liu HW, Shen HW, Lin XP, Yang F, Zhou YJ, Jin GJ, Ye ML, Zou HF*, Zhao ZK*. “A multi-omic map of the lipid-producing yeast Rhodosporidium toruloides”. Nat. Commun20123, 1112.

  26. Gong ZW, Wang Q, Shen HW, Hu CM, Jin GJ, Zhao ZK*. “Co-fermentation of cellobiose and xylose by Lipomyces starkeyi for lipid production” Bioresource Technology. 2012,  117(1), 20–24.

  27. Xie HB*, Shen HW, Gong ZW, Wang Q, Zhao ZK*, Bai FW. “Enzymatic hydrolysates of corn stover pretreated by the N-methylpyrrolidone/ionic liquids solution for microbial lipid production” Green Chem. 201214(4), 1202–1210.

  28. Jin GJ, Yang F, Hu CM, Shen HW, Zhao ZK*. “Enzyme-assisted extraction of lipids directly from the culture of the oleaginous yeast Rhodosporidium toruloides” Bioresour.Technol2012111, 378–382.

  29. Cao XF, Xie HB*,Wu ZLShen HW, Jing B*. “Phase-switching Homogeneous Catalysis for Clean Production of Biodiesel and Glycerol from Soybean and Microbial Lipids” ChemCatChem 20124, 1272–1278.

  30. 沈宏伟,靳国杰,胡翠敏,龚志伟,白凤武,赵宗保*. “恒化培养中稀释率和碳氮比对圆红冬孢酵母油脂积累的影响” 生物工程学报 201228(1), 57–65.

  31. Hu CM, Wu SG, Wang Q, Jin GJ, Shen HW, Zhao ZK*. “Simultaneous utilization of glucose and xylose for lipid production by Trichosporon cutaneum” Biotechnol. Biofuels 20114, 25. 

  32. Zhao X, Hu CM, Wu SG, Shen HW, Zhao ZK*. “Lipid production by Rhodosporidium toruloides Y4 using different substrate feeding strategies” J. Ind. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 201138(5), 627–632.

  33. Lin JT, Shen HW, Tan HD, Zhao X, Wu SG, Hu CM, Zhao ZK*. “Lipid production by Lipomyces starkeyi cells in glucose solution without auxiliary nutrients” J. Biotechnol2011152(4), 184–188.

  34. Wu SG, Zhao X, Shen HW, Wang Q, Zhao ZK*. “Microbial lipid production by Rhodosporidium toruloides under sulfate-limited conditions” Bioresour. Technol. 2011102(2), 1803–1807.

  35. 林金涛,沈宏伟,张泽会,胡翠敏,靳国杰,谭海东,赵宗保*. “圆红冬孢酵母两阶段培养法生产微生物油脂” 生物工程学报 201026(7), 997–1002.


  1. 赵宗保, 吴思国, 胡翠敏, 沈宏伟. 一种产油微生物培养的方法. 专利号ZL200910219980.3, 授权日期2014.02.26.

  2. 赵宗保, 林金涛, 沈宏伟, 吴思国. 一种产油微生物的培养方法. 专利号ZL201010202215.3, 授权日期2014.05.14

  3. 赵宗保, 龚志伟, 沈宏伟. 一种产油微生物的培养方法. 专利号ZL201210020546.4, 授权日期2015.04.29.

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