
籍  贯: 内蒙古乌兰察布

学  历: 工学博士

研究方向: 合成生物学

电  话: 0411-84700578

电子信箱: lyult@dlut.edu.cn


  2009.09-2013.07    东北大学  过程装备与控制工程  学士学位
  2013.09-2018.10    东北大学  化工过程机械  工学博士学位
  2018.12-2023.01    大连化物所生物技术部1816组  博士后
       2023.02-2023.11     大连化物所生物技术部1816组  助理研究员
       2023.11-至今           大连理工大学   生物工程学院    


       1. 国家重点研发计划子课题:特殊酵母的优势表型染色体模块的设计与适配(2021YFA0910603),160万,2021.12-2026.11,在研,主要参与人。
       2. 国家重点研发计划子课题:化学品合成非自然途径构建与组装(2019YFA0904902),130万,2020.01-2024.12,在研,参与人。
       3. 国家自然科学基金重点项目:生物质转化制油脂的化工基础研究(22238010),280万,2023.01-2027.12,在研,参与人。
       4. 中科院生物燃料重点实验室开放基金:产油酵母对木质素单体的转化利用及机理研究(
       5. 大连化物所创新基金:产油酵母线粒体动态蛋白质组与油脂积累代谢调控(DICP I201947),2019.08-2021.12,120万,已结题,参与。


  1. Lyu LT*, Chen QQ, Xue HZ, Mustafa S., Shah AM., Huang QT, Zhang Y, Wang S, Zhao ZK. “Modularly engineering Rhodotorula toruloides for α-terpineol production” Front. Bioeng. Biotechnol. 2024, doi:10.3389/fbioe.2023.1310069.
  2. Shi ZQ, Zhang XC, Yang XJ, Zhang XY, Ma F, Gan H, Chen JJ, Wang DD, Sun WJ, Wang JX, Wang CL, Lyu LT, Yang KG, Deng LJ, Qing GY*. “Specific clearance of lipopolysaccharide from blood based on peptide bottlebrush polymer for sepsis therapy”. Adv. Mater2023, doi:10.1002/adma.202302560.

  3. Zhou XY, Zhang HY, Wang L, Lyu LT, Wu RA*. “Simultaneous enrichment optimization of glycopeptides and phosphopeptides with the highly hydrophilic DZMOF-FDP”. Analyst2023, 148, 14831491.

  4. Liang SY, Zhang Y, Lyu LT, Wang S, Zhao ZK*. “Secretory expression of β-1,3-glucomannanase in the oleaginous yeast Rhodosporidium toruloides for improved lipid extraction”. Bioresour. Bioprocess. 202310, 16.

  5. Zhang Y, Zhang SF, Chu YD, Zhang Q, Zhou RH, Yu D, Wang S, Lyu LT, Xu GW, Zhao ZK*. Genetic manipulation of the interconversion between diacylglycerols and triacylglycerols in Rhodosporidium toruloides Front. Bioeng. Biotechnol. 202210, 1034972.

  6. 梁世玉,万里,郭潇佳,王雪颖,吕力婷,胡英菡,赵宗保.* “构建可合成非天然辅酶的圆红冬孢酵母工程菌”. 中国生物工程杂志 202242(5)58–68.

  7. Jiao X#, Lyu LT#, Zhang Y, Huang QT, Zhou RH, Wang SA, Wang S, Zhang SF, Zhao ZK*. “Reduction of lipid-accumulation of oleaginous yeast Rhodosporidium toruloides through CRISPR/Cas9-mediated inactivation of lipid droplet structural proteins” FEMS Microbiol. Lett2021368(16), fnab111.

  8. Lyu LT*, Chu YD, Zhang SF, Zhang Y, Huang QT, Wang S, Zhao ZK*. “Engineering the oleaginous yeast Rhodosporidium toruloides for improved resistance against inhibitors in biomass hydrolysates” Front. Bioeng. Biotechnol2021, 9, 768934.

  9. Lyu LT, Zhang K, Li ZJ, Ma YG, Chai TY, Pan Y, Wang XN, Li SL, Zhu T*. “Inhibition of anammox activity by phenol: Suppression effect, community T analysis and mechanism simulation” International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 2019141, 3038.

  10. Lyu LT, Zhu YF, Zhang K, Ma YG*, Pan Y, Zhu T. “Development of a Hybrid Partial-Nitrification and Anammox Reactor with Stirrer” Polish Journal of Environmental Studies 201828(3), 18131820.

  11. Lyu LT, Gao QH, Xu JJ, Etsuko M, Zhu T, Masaki K*. “A new interaction between proximal and distal C-terminus of Cav1.2 channels” Journal of Pharmacological Sciences 2017133(4), 240246.

  12. Zhang K, Lyu LT, Yao S, Kang TL, Ma YG, Pan Y, Kenji F, Zhu T*. “Effects of vibration on anammox-enriched biofilm in a high-loaded upflow reactor” Science of the Total Environment 2019685, 12841293.

  13. Zhang K, Lyu LT, Kang TL, Yao S, Ma YG, Pan Y, Wang YZ*, Kenji F, Hao LY, Zhu T*. “A rapid and effective way to cultivate anammox granular sludge through vibration” International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 2019143, 104704.

  14. 王爽,张月,周人辉,吕力婷,张素芳*,赵宗保. “表达透明颤菌血红蛋白对圆红冬孢酵母油脂积累的影响” 可再生能源 202038(9), 1143–1148.


       1. 赵宗保, 吕力婷, 焦翔, 张素芳. 一种工程菌株及其构建方法和应用, 2019.12.13, 专利号ZL201911285329.6。

       2. 薛闯, 黄其田, 吕力婷, 程驰, 吴又多. 一种酵母工程菌株及其构建方法和应用, 2021.8.27, 专利号ZL202110990628.0。

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