
籍  贯: 河南

学  历: 工学博士

研究方向: 化学生物学

电  话: 0411-84700578

电子信箱: guoxiaojia@dlut.edu.cn


  2009.09-2013.07    四川大学  轻工生物技术  工学学士
  2013.09-2019.12    大连化物所生物技术部1816组  生物化工  工学博士
  2020.01-2023.10 大连化物所生物技术部  博士后
       2023.11-至今          大连理工大学   生物工程学院    副教授




  1. 国家自然科学基金青年基金:创制苯丙氨酸基NAD类似物偏好型甲酸脱氢酶及生物催化体系(32001028),2021.01-2023.12,30万,在研,主持。

  2. 中国博士后面上基金:甲酸驱动非天然辅酶介导体系的多组学研究(2020M670805),2020.01-2021.12,8万,在研,主持。


  1. Li Q, Guo XJ, Wang XY, Wang JT, Wan L, Xue HZ, Zhao ZK*. Creation of cytochrome P450 catalysis depending on a non-natural cofactor for fatty acid hydroxylation J. Energy Chem20237931–36.

  2. Wang JT, Guo XJ*, Wan L, Liu YX, Xue HZ, Zhao ZK.* “Engineering formaldehyde dehydrogenase from Pseudomonas putida to favor nicotinamide cytosine dinucleotide” ChemBioChem 202223(7), e202100697.

  3. Odoh CK*Guo XJ, Arnone JT, Wang XY, Zhao ZK*. “The role of  NAD and NAD precursors on longevity and lifespan modulation in the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae” Biogerontol. 202223(2), 169–199.

  4. 梁世玉,万里,郭潇佳,王雪颖,吕力婷,胡英菡,赵宗保.* “构建可合成非天然辅酶的圆红冬孢酵母工程菌”. 中国生物工程杂志 202242(5)58–68.

  5. Wang XY, Feng YB, Guo XJ, Wang Q, Ning SY, Li Q, Wang JT, Wang L, Zhao ZK*. “Creating enzymes and self-sufficient cells for biosynthesis of the non-natural cofactor nicotinamide cytosine dinucleotide”. Nat. Commun. 202112(1), 2116.

  6. Liu YX*, Guo XJ, Liu WJ, Wang JT, Zhao ZK. “Structural Insights into Malic Enzyme Variants Favoring an Unnatural Redox Cofactor” ChemBioChem 2021221765–1768.

  7. Guo XJ, Liu YX, Wang Q, Wang XY, Li Q, Liu WJ, Zhao ZK*. “Non-natural cofactor and formate-driven reductive carboxylation of pyruvate” Angew. Chem. Int. Ed202059(8), 3143–3146.

  8. Guo XJ, Wang XY, Liu YX, Li Q, Wang JT, Liu WJ*, Zhao ZK*. “Structure-guided design of formate dehydrogenase for regeneration of a non-natural redox cofactor” Chem. Eur. J2020, 26(70), 16611–16615.

  9. Liu YX, Li Q, Wang L, Guo XJ, Wang JT, Wang Q, Zhao ZK*. “Engineering D-lactate dehydrogenase to favor a non-natural cofactor nicotinamide cytosine dinucleotide” ChemBioChem 202021(14), 1972–1975. (Very Important Paper)

  10. Guo XJ, Feng YB, Wang XY, Liu YX, Liu WJ, Li Q, Wang JT, Xue S, Zhao ZK*. “Characterization of the substrate scope of an alcohol dehydrogenase commonly used as methanol dehydrogenase” Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett201929(12), 1446–1449.

  11. Guo XJ, Shen HW, Liu YX, Wang Q, Wang XY, Peng C, Liu WJ, Zhao ZK*. “Enabling heterologous synthesis of lupulones in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae” Appl. Biochem. Biotechnol2019188, 787–797.

  12. Liu YX, Feng YB, Wang L, Guo XJ, Liu WJ, Li Q, Wang XY, Xue S*, Zhao ZK*. “Structural insights into phosphite dehydrogenase variants favoring a non-natural redox cofactor” ACS Catal20199, 1883–1887.

  13. Peng C, Liu YX, Guo XJ, Liu WJ, Li Q, Zhao ZK*. “Selective carboxylation of substituted phenols with engineered Escherichia coli whole-cells” Tetrahedron Lett201859, 3810–3815.

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